What Were Thomas Jefferson's Major Accomplishments

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Thomas Jefferson was born on April 13, 1743. He had many accomplishments throughout his life. Thomas Jefferson was the author of the Declaration of Independance and the Statute of Virginia for Religious Freedom. Jefferson later became the third president of the United States . Before he accomplished all of these, he attended college to practice law and served among the local government. He married his wife, Martha and had many children.Thomas Jefferson served on the House of Burgess the Continental Congress, where he was chosen to write the Declaration of Independence. Upon retiring, he inherited 11,000 acres and about 200 slave from his father and father-in-law.
After the Declaration of Independence was written, he composed the Statue
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During his term, Jefferson was given on offer from the French to purchase some land. Thomas Jefferson reviewed the Constitution in order to make sure it was legal for him, the President, to purchase the land. When it was not stated, he took the deal that became know as the Louisiana Purchase. He sent Lewis and Clark out on an expedition to explore the land that he bought.This purchase double the size of land that the America’s had.
On September of 1802 a journalist wrote that while he was president, it is believed that Jefferson had an affair with one of his slaves, Sally Hemings. There are account that they had children together. Jefferson made no comment on this actuation, nor did his wife.The technology that there is today they have done more recent studies and test claim that these were not his children. Thomas Jefferson's brother, Randolph, was more likely to be the father of these children.
Thomas Jefferson had many views and interpretation of the Constitution. He was a person that was by the book things had to be done a certain way and follow the rules, but many of his words would contradicted his actions. Thomas Jefferson was a complicated person to explain because he was juxtapositional on many