What's The Boogeyman Poem Analysis

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Pages: 2

Who is the boogeyman? What does it do? Why are some people scared of it? The boogeyman, a horror figure for parents to show discipline to their children or just get scared for the fun of it. The boogeyman is told in different formats. It is told where it “hid’s in your closet” or “it’s creeping under your bed.” Little children are most known to grow up with this fear because they heard it in a folktale story or parents will use this method to punish them. In Stephan Kings short story, the story indicates that the children are being killed by this monster known as “the boogeyman” goes in specific on what the backstory of the figure is really meant for.
In real life, we know these tales told aren’t true. The article “What’s the boogeyman” it
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In “What’s the boogeyman” paragraph 2 it explains as a child too, we would check if anything is there. In the short story, Lester Billings, the father in the story, explaining in paragraph 55 he would only shut the closet but not check if anythings wrong because he didn’t was there. In paragraph 6 in the short story, the therapist asked if he checked the closet but Lester Billings went straight to denial because he didn’t want to be accused of killing his own child.
Scary characters are “teaching-tools” like disobeying directions.in the article paragraph 3 it states “ the boogeyman is there to ensure that we follow rules.” This shows how the real identity of people in the real world. Parents also use this to show children what’s bad to good. In the short story it wasn’t a teaching tool. The boogeyman would kill the children with them not doing anything wrong. Scary characters are used for entertainment and sometimes for discipline. In the short story it showed a scary character, known as the boogeyman, killing children as it is known to do. It is both similar and different, it’s similar because they both have a character who frightens therefore it shows to be aware of our surroundings. It is different because we know boogeyman is a character that is fiction and doesn’t kill little children. Would you sleep at night knowing a “boogeyman” was