'When Chivalry Backfires': Article Analysis

Words: 685
Pages: 3

G. Tendayi Viki, Kristina Massey, and Barbara Masser inscribed an article called “When Chivalry Backfires: Benevolent sexism and attitudes toward Myra Hindley”. The focus of the article was to examine the roles of benevolent sexism and hostile sexism in people’s perceptions of a specific female offender named Myra Hindley. Myra Hindley was an English serial killer who was in partnership with her boyfriend Ian Brady. Myra Hindley committed the rapes and murders of five small children. She was found guilty of three murders and placed in jail for life. Myra was never released, and died in prison in 2002.
This article discusses that the researchers conduct this study to examine where benevolent sexism and hostile sexism would differentially predict participants’ evaluations of Myra Hindley. Benevolent
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Myra Hindley was an English serial killer who was in partnership with her boyfriend Ian Brady. Myra Hindley committed the rapes and murders of five small children. She was found guilty of three murders and placed in jail for life. On the other hand, the researchers hypothesized that the relationship between benevolent sexism and the negative evaluation of Myra Hindley would be accepted by the perception that Myra Hindley possessed traits in violation of the gender stereotype for women. Furthermore, the information provided in this article was not relevant to health psychology. The reason being because Myra Hindley did not have any physical, health or mental issues that needed any concern for any type of medical attention. Myra Hindley was “mentally well” as was stated in the article. Lastly, if the article had stated that Myra Hindley had mental issues as an adult concerning her childhood or her being abused of some sort by Ian Brady the article would be relevant to health