When Mr Pirzada Came To Dine

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Pages: 4

What would you do if you’re in a different country and your family is in the middle of it? This exact thing happened to Mr. Pirzada in “When Mr. Pirzada Came to Dine”. He was under a lot of stress and Lilia’s family offered a warm supper and late night National News. Jhumpa Lahiri explains how “Mr. Pirzada Came to Dine” every night for the comfort of home, loneliness, and the worrisome of his family so he can hope for the best. Mr. Pirzada feels welcomed at Lilia’s house when he comes to eat supper while watching the news. Firstly, he’s a married man and a dad of seven girls. His current residence is in a dormitory near the University of Boston, which is where he goes to school for the study of foliage. Meanwhile, his wife and seven girls …show more content…
Pirzada was very lonesome because he had to stay in a dorm alone for many months without knowing where or how his family was. In addition, he was an immigrant that had a hard time fitting into the American culture. He also had no transportation at all, so he walked to Lilia’s house every night even if it was raining. Secondly, maybe it was the fact that he had not seen his wife or daughters, but he was always glad to see Lilia. Mr. Pirzada treats Lilia as one of his daughters with the chocolates, hugs, and bonding time. Eventually, he gets a plane ticket to go join his daughters and wife in Dacca. During the whole time he was in America Lilia’s family treated him like family, because it’s just a respectful thing to do and Mr. Pirzada was very grateful for that. Mr. Pirzada was a lonely guy, but was greeted by his race in the great land of …show more content…
Pirzada was very lonesome because he had to stay in a dorm alone for many months without knowing where or how his family was. In addition, he was an immigrant that had a hard time fitting into the American culture. He also had no transportation at all, so he walked to Lilia’s house every night even if it was raining. Secondly, maybe it was the fact that he had not seen his wife or daughters, but he was always glad to see Lilia. Mr. Pirzada treats Lilia as one of his daughters with the chocolates, hugs, and bonding time. Eventually, he gets a plane ticket to go join his daughters and wife in Dacca. During the whole time he was in America Lilia’s family treated him like family, because it’s just a respectful thing to do and Mr. Pirzada was very grateful of