When Using A Wrench To Loosening Nuts And Valses

Submitted By yopeterhere
Words: 525
Pages: 3

Safely Question

1. When using a wrench to loosening nuts and bolts ,make sure your fingers are not going to be crashed by the wrench if the wrench slips or the nuts suddenly gives. Make sure your finger are in a good position and are not going to be in the way of the wrench.

2. A safely stand is a metal pyramid type thing that is use to be placed under the car in case the jack slip. The safely stand is meant to protect you from being crashed by the car while you work under the car.

3. The areas where you should wear safely glasses are at the grinding wheel (bench, valve or disc machines ) , drill or striking a punch with a hammer. They should be worn to prevent eye injury and when using any type of equipment in class.

4. Three item that have to be checked before the engine is stared are the oil and coolant level, look for loose part , trouble lights ,and that the gear-shift lever is in neutral position. Make sure to test equipment in the car like the brakes and steering.

5. To prevent vehicle damage make sure that the hoist are placed properly and you have the safety stand in the proper place under the car. Make sure you have the teacher check if the hoist are in the right place before lifting the car to prevent vehicle damage.

6. Carbon monoxide is a gas found in the exhaust fumes produced by incomplete burning petroleum. It is colorless, odorless flammable gas that can't be detected by human and very toxic to breathe in.

7. carbon monoxide is very toxic even if there is only a small percentage in the air. only a few breath can prove to be fatel.what really determine if carbon monoxide is fatal or not is the concentration of it in the air and the length of time a person is exposed to it. The effect of carbon