White Man's Destruction To The Aboriginal Environment In The Novel Nanberry

Words: 552
Pages: 3

Since the beginning of the Novel Nanberry, the white men have caused much destruction to the Aboriginal environment and the welfare of the people and animals of the land; as well as how they treated the women of their own colony. At first it was just the waterways, the loss of trees and all of the noise and stench. But that soon increased to the fact that they were overtaking the land that the Aboriginals had already claimed as their home. “Stench and death and every sin known to man - that is what they had brought to this land.” Is what Surgeon White had said about what his people, the convicts, that he had brought to this land. He mainly said this because it was true. Because this was the reason why the land that they had discovered was being turned into a stench filled, infertile land, all due to the fact that the convicts didn’t …show more content…
As well as the environment, the English men and Convicts have also caused havoc among the female area of the colony. Not only did they treat them poorly, but they saw them as objects. The men sold them and mistreated them, along with paying them to do corrupt things. But not only were they mistreated, but they were also gravely outnumbered, making the fact of having a woman a good bargaining aspect, especially for the sailors. When Maria’s husband Jack dies, she has no rights to his land and is nearly sold as a slave to a Rum Corp soldier for him to have his wicked ways. It is only because she is rescued by John Moore on behalf of Rachel that she is spared the indignity of being violated and treated no better than a stray dog or