Who Can Catch A Liar Analysis

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Who Can Catch a Liar
The purpose of the article by Ekman and O’Sullivan(1991) was investigate whether individuals in professions where they would have more experience with and investment in lie detection would be better at detecting deception that college students. Researchers also sought to determine which behavioral cues participants relied on It was hypothesized that individuals that made were more accurate at detecting deception used different behavioral cues than those who were less accurate. Lastly researchers looked at the effect of detecting microexpressions in the special interest group had an effect on accuracy of detecting deception. It was hypothesized that ability to recognize microexpressions would be positively correlated with accuracy of detecting
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None of the Secret service group had accuracy levels below chance ( <30%) and 53% had scores above 70%. In both the Secret Service and polygraph group, age was negatively correlated with accuracy and in both groups all participants who scored above 80% were 40 years old and under. For Secret Service group years of experience were negatively correlated. In the polygrapher group the before Deception Detection Measure confidence ratings and actual accuracy were correlated. Accuracy and after Deception Detection Measure confidence rating were negatively correlated in the Secret Service group. Participants in the Special Interest group that rated their lie detection abilities higher were more accurate at detecting deception. In the special interest group, a positive correlation between ability to recognize microexpressions and accuracy in detecting deception are correlated. More participants who accurately identified whether the subjects were lying or not, reported using non-verbal or a mixture of non-verbal and speech cues, when making their