Who Is Best For America

Submitted By 123madavis
Words: 615
Pages: 3

Marissa Davis
Mr. Wolgemuth
English 9
22 Oct. 2012
Who is Best for America? The President and the country face many issues. The issues that the country and the President face are abortion, women joining the military, and the Supreme Court The first most important issue that the country and President both face is the right to have an abortion. It is important because there are cases where young teens get pregnant and they themselves are not mature enough to have a baby. If that right is taken away then we would be forcing them to keep the baby knowing that they are not ready physically, mentally, or even emotionally. This takes our rights of freedom away from us. Barack Obama and the Democratic Party both strongly and unequivocally support Roe vs. Wade. Roe vs. Wade was a court case that legalized abortion. They also strongly agree with women’s rights to make decisions regarding her pregnancy, including a safe and legal abortion, regardless of ability to pay. They oppose any and all efforts to weaken or undermine that right. (Source I). Mitt Romney has a different view about the right to have an abortion. His view about it is that he doesn’t like the idea of using public revenues to promote or perform abortions. (Source H). I strongly agree with Barack Obama’s decision about abortion. The second most important issue that the country and President both face is women in the military. It’s important because women should be able to fight in combat. Barack Obama hasn’t made a statement yet on his thoughts about it, so there is still hope that he will have a better decision on it than Mitt Romney does. Mitt Romney’s thoughts about it are that he supports the advancement of women in the military…. We support military women’s exemption from direct ground combat units and infantry battalions. (Source D). Although Barack Obama hasn’t made a statement about women in the military yet, I strongly feel that he will have a better statement than Mitt Romney and disagree with Mitt Romney. The third most important issue that the country and President both are concerned about is the Supreme Court. It’s important because it is the highest judicial court systems in the United States. Barack Obama says that he’s going to continue to