Who Is Lanval's Love In The Lais Of Marie De France

Words: 339
Pages: 2

The story of Lanval in The Lais of Marie de France is a romantic fairy tale on the surface, yet it also carries a subtle challenge to the societal beliefs of the time. The knight Lanval finds love in a Fairy Queen that resides on the borders of his kingdom. Because their love is secret, however, Queen Guinevere propositions Lanval and offers her love to him. His loyalty to the Fairy Queen causes Lanval to reject her offer. As explained by Professor Sills, Guinevere’s love would elevate Lanval politically and economically, and his refusal of her love threatens that system. Lanval chooses to redefine love as something that transcends power structures, wealth, and the politics of his king’s court. When love no longer becomes a method through which