Who Is Oedipus Selfish

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Pages: 2

Oedipus is genuinely caring and cherished the people of Thebes. “And yet, though you are sick, there is not one of you so sick as I. For your afflictions com comes to each alone, for him and for no one else, but my soul mourns for me and for you, too, and for the city. You do not waken me as from a sleep, for I have wept, bitterly and long, tried many paths in the wanderings of thought.” Oedipus goes on to say that he kept on crying for his people, his city, and himself. Even more, as a ruler, Oedipus was insightful. “I, Oedipus the ignorant, and stopped her - by using thought, not augury from birds.” He solved the riddle the Sphinx implemented on the town, saving the Thebans. Oedipus was also conceited because he was the only one who could