Who Is Overcoming The Monster In John Updike's A & P

Words: 551
Pages: 3

John Updike wrote the short story, “A&P”. A&P stands for Atlantic and Pacific, which is relevant to the story, because they are five miles from the beach, so the girls are wearing bikinis. Sammy quitting his job is portrayed as a huge sacrifice, both through Sammy’s mind and through the manager's comments. “The guys have told me not to quit my day job.” –Garth Brooks. The quotation represents the manager trying to tell Sammy not to quit. “I could see Lengel in my place in the slot, checking the sheep through.” (229) I believe the Booker Plot that relates best to “A&P”, is Overcoming the Monster. The first step in Overcoming the Monster is: Anticipation or Becoming Aware. The main character Sammy and the three girls are being mentioned in