Who Is Responsible In Antigone

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Pages: 2

In the book Antigone by Sophocles wonder what happen to the King Creon after his family committed suicide. Creon started to be king after Polynices and Eteocles battle and killed each other for the throne. Creon wanted everyone to be afraid of him so they won’t start going anarchy on him. After the battle of the brothers Eteocles gets buried and Polynices doesn’t. What do you think happens when Antigone finds out that Eteocles gets buried but Polynices doesn’t. When that happens Antigone went to go talk to Ismene and she asked her if she can help bury Polynices. They both started to argue and then Ismene said “ what, would you bury him against the proclamation” (sophocles 3). Antigone didn’t like when Ismene said that Antigone told her