Who Is The Protagonist In The Birthmark

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Pages: 2

In the story of “The Birthmark” by Nathaniel Hawthorn, the protagonist of this story is Aylmer and Georgiana. Antagonist of this story is Aylmer and Aminadab. The Protagonist in the conflict is that when Aylmer told Georgiana (His wife) about her birth mark to get removed. Georgiana got to agree with Aylmer, to remove his birthmark from her cheek. The climactic moment of the conflict was that when Aylmer was testing the liquid front of his wife to prove her, but Georgiana told him that she doesn’t want any kind of proof of the liquid. Resolution of the conflict was when Aylmer gave liquid to Georgiana and she drinks did, but how “the birthmark” was removing from her cheek. At the same time her breath was getting weak and weak and finally, when Georgiana birthmark was removed completely and she died at the end.
In the story of “Rappacccini’s Daughter” the protagonist of this story is Giovanni Guascont, and
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The antagonist of this story is his community people, such as, Goody Cloyse, minister, and more. The protagonist in the conflict is that when Goodman Brown started his journey from his house to the forest. When he entered the forest an old man appeared front of Brown in a black color clothes and the old man had a wooden stick in his hand. And he was telling Brown about this Grandfather and father that they also came into the forest. The Climactic moment of the conflict was that he was assuming that “there are may be a devilish Indian behind every tree” (Hawthorn) and suddenly a man appeared and he got scared. Also, when he saw pink ribbon, he realized that his wife is also joining the devil side. Resolution of conflict was when he returned home back in the morning, while he was walking toward his house; he saw all the people who were in the forest last night. Then after he didn’t trust anybody around him, not even his own wife because she was also