Why Bullying Is Bad

Words: 415
Pages: 2

Bullying is a big topic around the world. It is not right and is not properly discussed. Together we could put a end to it. There are bad things that come out of bullying. And I think the four way test could help prevent bullying. There are four stages of the four way test. Is it true,Is it fair, Is it beneficial, and will it bring good will. If none of these things acquire to what you say then why say it at all?
Ask yourself, is it true? Most of the time bullying isn’t true. It’s just a way for haters and jealous people to get in your head. Most bullies make fun of people because they have low self esteem or just think that it’s cool. But it’s not, people should not be judged by the way they look,the clothes they wear, or the conditions they