Why Did General Eisenhower Invade Carentan

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Pages: 9

Introduction General Eisenhower, the Supreme Allied Commander of the Allied Expeditionary Force, was concerned that a German wedge attack from Carentan would prevent the joining of VII Corps on Utah beach and V Corps at Omaha beach. If this happened, Operation Overlord would lose momentum and provide enough time for the German forces to get their reinforcements up to the landing zones and push U.S. and Allied forces back into the sea. Securing Carentan enabled the Allied forces to gain the momentum needed to control the Cotentin Peninsula, take Cherbourg, and push into Normandy. The causeway leading into the town, N-13, had to be secured before American forces could occupy Carentan.

On June 6, 1944, the Allied Forces initiated Operation Overlord, the single largest amphibious invasion the world had ever seen on the beaches of Normandy, France. The U.S. VII Corps made their landing at Utah Beach while the U.S. V Corps secured Omaha Beach. Earlier that morning, the 82nd and the 101st Airborne Divisions had parachuted into the Cotentin Peninsula behind the German coastal defenders.
By June 8, VII and V Corps had not consolidated forces. General Eisenhower realized the push past the beachheads had stalled, having met heavier than expected German resistance. General Eisenhower and the U.S. First Army commander, General Omar
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Throughout the day, they repelled countless German counterattacks. Fighting was extremely heavy and there were times Lt. Colonel Cole considered falling back, but the resolve of his paratroopers was strong. Securing the causeway and surrounding areas enabled American forces unimpeded access to Carentan. The town was finally captured and secured on 14 June, allowing the beachheads of VII and V Corps to finally merge