Why Did George Kill Lennie Research Paper

Words: 283
Pages: 2

No, he doesn't prove Lennie wrong, just because he killed him. The reason why he kills Lennie is because George doesn't want Lennie to struggle in his life because he killed Curley wife and they were going to be after Lennie. If George wasn't to kill Lennie, they will be looking for Lennie and probably end up in jail for life. It was the best for George to kill Lennie so that's way he wouldn't stuffer the pain that Curley and his guys were going to give him. George makes Lennie think about the rabbits and all of that because George is trying to distract Lennie from seeing the gun on George hand. George didn't want to to kill Lennie, but it was the best thing to do. In the text it says "But George sat stiffly on the bank and look at his right