Why Did John Locke Approve Of Jack's Government

Words: 867
Pages: 4

Lord of the Flies
A plane crashes on a deserted island. There are no adults, no government. All there is, is a state of nature. Later on, many school boys find each other when a boy named Ralph blows a conch. A government is formed with Ralph as the leader, but not everyone agrees with the government and Ralph. Soon after Ralph's government is formed, Jack rebels against him. Everyone has a choice to be a part of Ralph’s or Jack’s government. Ralph’s, where there are rules, and everyone's natural rights are protected. And Jack’s, where there are no rules which allows everyone to do whatever they please, and everyone is protected from “the beast”.
Most of the school boys chose Jack’s government since they were promised protection by the beast and maybe even because it had less rules, but this government isn't as good as it would sound. John Locke would not approve of Jack’s government because, first, it is a non-legitimate. Second, many of the people's natural rights cancel out/ interfere with each other. Lastly Jack's government has turned his citizens into the beasts’.
The first reason as to why John Locke would not agree with Jack’s
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For example, Piggy got hit by a boulder because it was pushed by one of Jack’s citizens (Lord of the flies). Jack’s citizens had free will to do what they pleased, and because they most likely did not like what Piggy has to say, they chose to kill him. But Piggy had the right to life. Therefore, the natural rights interfered with each other. Another example of this is when Sam and Eric told Ralph that Jack and his group were going to kill him, and that he needed to hide. Soon after that Ralph overheard Jack and another person talking about burning him out. Because John Locke believed that everyone had the natural right to life, he would most definitely not approve of this