Why Did Muhammad Start A New Religion Called Islam?

Words: 588
Pages: 3

Would you like to learn something new today? A man named Muhammad started a religion called Islam. Christianity and Islam believe in one God. The Ramadan is important for Muslims. Three important parts of Islam are Muhammad starting a religion, How Christians, Jews, and Islam believe in one God, and How the Ramadan is important to the Muslims.

To begin with, Muhammad started a new religion called Islam. The author states,”It was the start of a new religion called Islam.” ( An Introduction to Muhammad and the Faith of Islam) This provides proof that Muhammad is going to start a new religion called Islam so it supports my claim because it is saying how he created a new religion. For instance the author said,”While meditating in a cave on Mount Hira, Muhammad had a sudden vision. He came to believe that he was called on by God to be a messenger and teacher of a new faith.” ( An Introduction to Muhammad and the Faith of Islam) This shows us that he believed God called him to start a new faith called Islam so it is explaining how he had a vision to start a new faith so that is how it backing up my claim. Therefore, Muhammad believed God called him to start a new religion called Islam.
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According to the source it states,” Muslims, Jews and Christians all worship the same god, but Muslims call him Allah.” ( An Introduction to Muhammad and the Faith of Islam) The provides proof that the Jews, Christians, and the Muslims all believe in one God and I chose this piece of evidence because I feel it is that is is explaining more than just saying that they believe in one God. Based on the information presented it states,”They believe in one God” (Notes from a class lecture comparing Judaism, Islam, and Christianity.) This relates to how they all believe in one God and I chose this piece of evidence because it is saying that they believe in one God. Once again, Jews, Christians, and Muslims believe in one