Why Did Pasquale Buzzelli Happen

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Pages: 4

How could someone possibly plummet eighteen floors with tons of debris cascading over them, yet survive with only a broken foot? Although no one knows for sure how this could possibly happen, many theorists believe they have the answer. Could it have been his reaction to fear, a lucky location under forty-eight columns, or was it the release of air in the building that broke his fall? (Bigfoot Valley) This occurrence is just one of the millions of unbelievable circumstances humans stumble upon daily. Today many individuals can fall on a flat surface and break more than one bone. Also, these simple falls fail to account for the tons of debris covering Buzzelli during his fall. But in no way would a simple fall compare to the catastrophe Pasquale Buzzelli experienced on September 11th, 2001. September 11th, 2001 was a day never to be forgotten, especially for Pasquale Buzzelli one of the survivors from this terrorist attack. The attack was so impactful physically and mentally that Buzzelli refused to comment to any reporters for an extended amount of time, due to posttraumatic stress disorder and survivor's guilt. (Erinn Connor) Early that morning, American airlines flight eleven crashed into the North tower. With …show more content…
However, I personally believe it was the forty-eight columns that saved Buzzelli’s life. These gigantic columns created a steel cage that protected Buzzelli in the location where he was. Even with the large amount of debris cascading upon those individuals, these columns allowed for the greatest amount of debris to flow outward and towards the ground, rather than directly on top of them. As humans, we look for the most logical answer to life’s unexplainable questions. Although we will never be able to find the true reason why, we continually seek out logical answers to justify life’s toughest