Why Did Rome Lose The Roman Empire

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Pages: 3

The Roman Empire was a long and prosperous empire and was prosperous for over 500 years; from the years, 31 BC to 476 AD. However, every great and prosperous empire eventually comes to an end. There are many political, intellectual, economic reasons. The Roman empire started its fall when the empire is split into east and west. The new Roman cultural capital was in Constantinople in the Eastern Empire. On the other hand the western empire had the city Milan, which was where the Western Empire was mainly housed. Peasants start to be bound to the land and cannot leave it. This greatly limits what many can do and many people start to lose the Roman morals or Mos Maiorum. Mos Maiorum was a set of social norms in Rome; they were behavior principles and heavily honored principles that many Romans heeded to. There was also much political corruption. The empire was a gargantuan empire and housed millions of people, with an empire that big there is bound to be political corruption. This job was quite dangerous and was difficult to do, for some it was a death sentence. Many of these emperors were assassinated by the Praetorian guards, (the emperor’s personal guards). If they didn’t like an emperor they would sometimes assassinate him and instill a new …show more content…
Even after the fall, people still lived by the Roman laws and principles, they even considered themselves Roman citizens. The Eastern part of the empire was still prosperous and was a sight of major intellectual growth. Even today way after the fall of Rome, we have adopted many Roman values and principles; for example, the system of checks and balances. There was not one major cause for the collapse of the empire, but many to create collateral damage. The leaders of the world should look at the aspects of today and not let it happen to the world