Why Did Texas Fight In The Civil War

Words: 445
Pages: 2

Why did the South Fight?
Imagine you are a 13 year old boy during 1860. Your father wakes you up at dawn with a gun slung across his shoulder. He says you must come with some friends, but what you don’t know is that you are really going off to war. Boys thirteen and older were able to fight in the Civil War, about 65,00 Texans served in the military for the South. But the real question is why did Texas fight in the Civil War. Most Texans fought in the Civil War because they loved Texas and their families, wanted to keep state rights, and wanted to preserve slavery.
First off, most Texans loved Texas and their families, so they wanted to keep them safe. “ Tell him not to inlist till just before they go to draft him and only enlist for Texas service.” ( Document D) It shows that John Rabb wanted his friend or
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“ This Union of equal states, and no state can force another state either to remain in it or withdraw from it.’ ( Document C) This Is a state right, the states can not force one another to stay in the Union and Texans did not want to stay in the Union so they like the state rights. “ No state upon its own mere motion, can lawfully get out of the Union.” ( Document C) Abraham Lincoln was against The South’s choice of leaving the Union, that is why Texans were against his win for president.
Finally, Texans were fighting to preserve slavery. Approximately 30% of the population in Texas were slaves during 1860. And most of the white Texan families owned slaves. The slaves are what their economy depended on. This is the major reason they fought because the economy in Texas, as well as the South, was agriculture, so they needed slave to gather cotton and do other jobs like that.
To preserve slavery, keep state rights, and protect Texas and their families are just a few reasons Texans fought in the Civil War. They fought for what they believed in. Even though they lost they got through it to try and help the