Why Did The Cretaceous Mass Extinction?

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Pages: 3

The Cretaceous mass extinction occurred approximately sixty-six million years ago. The Cretaceous extinction was a sudden mass extinction of three-quarters of the plant and animal species. The dinosaurs were already starting to die off because the Cretaceous extinction was during the Jurassic mass extinction. A lot of animals and plants died because the surface was too hot from what caused the mass extinction. Even if large animals would've survived they still would've died with the lack of food for them to eat. Some small water-like animals would survive the Cretaceous mass extinction.
What caused the mass extinction
There is no exact reason for why the mass extinction occurred. One reason that people think this extinction occurred was because of a meteorite. This meteorite was big enough to be called a small asteroid that hit the Earth at the perfect time to start the Cretaceous mass extinction. Another reason is because scientist think there was a volcano happening. So exactly at the Cretaceous boundary, a new plume was burning its way through the crust making the ground hot. Most
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Plants were really important during this time because this was close to all that animals could eat unless they killed another animals to eat. But, mostly all animals just ate some plants because theplants were at the very bottom of the food chain and still kinda are to this day in time. Flowering plants flourished during the Cretaceous period they evolved about 140 million years ago during the late Jurassic period and quickly spread. These plants spreading quickly changed the Earths landscape seeing as if there was now plants spreading around everywhere on the Earth. This also dramatically changed the Earth's landscapes, quickly taking over most of the ecological niches. Most of the plants that survived the mass extinction we have today or evolutions of those plants we have