Why Did The Triads Evolve

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Discuss how the Triads evolved? The triads evolved like any other organized crime group with the ideology that people needed protection from the government. China has undergone through several systems of government over centuries. As a result of many chaotic regimes, different Asian families began forming “secret societies” that engaged in criminal activities which included robbery, kidnapping and piracy. “The term Triad refers to the societies common mystical symbol: an equilateral triangle representing the three basic Chinese concepts of heaven earth and men” (Abadinsky, 2012). The bosses of the Triads are called "dragonheads. The Triads differ from other criminal organizations in that they follow a rigid structure or hierarchy that has existed for hundreds of years and is also the base for many other Asian gangs (Abadinsky, 2012) …show more content…
Many people fled China to emigrate to America in the early 1900’s. Groups of Chinese people left because of the downfall from the powerful Ming Dynasty, who was overthrown by the Qing dynasty. The Qing dynasty ruled the northern half of China and also made many attempts throughout to take over the southern half. The Qing dynasty, ruled by the Manchurians, expelled Triad groups due to their unlawful actions in forming secret societies to overthrow the government. This emigration had a detrimental effect to western societies because groups of Chinese people that belonged to the “secret societies” known as the triads began to flourish. Eventually the Triads began to evolve into one of the most notorious and violent Chinese gangs in China, America, and other parts of the world. As the Qing dynasty came to an end in 1911 a general Chiang Kai-Shek, possibly a triad member himself, imposed a military with help from secret societies (Abadinsky,