Why Did Westward Expansion Grow Sectional?

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Pages: 3

Westward expansion help grow sectional because it was the era of when slavery ended. During this time, slavery progress through many farms and slave owners. Even though that the slave trade was abolished slavery did not cease. Slavery was one of the biggest dilemma during this time, because it was the growth of marketing. Wealthy people needed clothing that was made from cotton. However the production would go slow if it was a single man working on a field on his own. Therefore, slaves was the idea that help spark this issue. Western expansion was the contribution of the compromise of 1850, free soil party, and Underground Railroad.

Another party that was short lived but the again help the growth of the sectionalism era was the Free Soil Party. Those who was involve in the Free Soil Party was James K. Polk, Martin Van Buren, Zachary Taylor, and David Wilmot. Wilmot presented the Wilmot Proviso in front of the congress and failed. Which became a disappointment to the Whigs toward slavery. However even though that the Wilmot
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Nonetheless, the biggest aid that help the slave was the Underground Railroad. The Underground Railroad was a system of mystery courses and safe houses utilized enslaved people of African descent in the United States in efforts to escape to free states and Canada with the aid of abolitionists and allies who were sympathetic to their cause. For example Harriet Tubman was one of the conductors of thr Underground Railroad during the 1850’s. Tubman was a scout, spy and nurse during the Civil War and had goal to free slaves. Harriet left her free husband and parents nad brothers and sisters to fufill this task. When she left she said, “Mah people mus’ go free.” Since then Harriet help the movment of slaves to the North. However this she was a target as well to slave holders. Rewards offered by slaveholders for the catch of Harriet Tubman in the long run totaled