Why Do Kids Get Participation Trophies

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A seven-year old boy attempts to kick a soccer ball and helplessly misses. A boy from the other team comes crashing into him and scores a goal. The seven-year old boy then receives a trophy for participation even though he couldn’t even kick the ball. There has been a long debate especially recently on social media whether younger kids should get participation trophies. In my opinion the kids don’t deserve a trophy if they didn’t win.
If everybody got a trophy for participating than nobody would really know what it means to win or lose. According to Alfie Kohn, the author of The Myth of the Spoiled Child, says that, “kids need to experience failure so they can be ready for the harsh realities that await them in life.” (Website 1) Kids need
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75 % of the kids are going to end up losing the trophies or throwing them away. Young children feel good about the trophy for a little bit then they move on to something else. The more you give out the less each one means. When you receive a trophy it's really not about the trophy it's about the games, practices, and the team. The hunk of metal is not what matters, it’s the reason behind the trophy.
Even though I believe that participation trophies are a waste of money others believe that there is nothing wrong with saying “Good job you participated.” is not harming them. Giving them trophy is teaching them that if they participate then everything will be fine. Wrong, you won’t always get a pat on the back for participating in a sport.
As can be seen, participation trophies are not needed to motivate young children in sports. These children shouldn’t need a trophy to play a sport at a young age. Buying trophies for kids is a waste of money so they shouldn’t be purchased. As can clearly be seen from all the facts I have listed kids should not be rewarded with participation