Why Do People Get Raped

Words: 512
Pages: 3

Do you ever think how many people get raped in a year ? trust me it alot there is kinda a average so says berit francis it about 293,066 victims that are older than 12 years old raped and sexual assault . Well being a parent and hearing your child yell i think that they will freak out only cause thank you angel you will never want them to go true that but some people actually do that to there own children and well those are not good in the head people those are the kinds of people that you need to make sure that your kids are not around them some parents let their children go anywhere they want and they don't question them or anything but some parents don't let their children go rarely anywhere because they are worried for their selfie and well it scary for them cause they don't know what could happen to them when they are with there friends all i know i s that my mom does not let me leave the house after eight o'clock cause that the time that a kid would be home if they are not the streets with their parents because that when a kidnapper can take your kid and rape them or even kill them but god forgive. …show more content…
But what people need to understand, is that they need forgiveness that how they can start feeling better for himself and stop trying to hurt other people they need to understand that nobody else want to go true that feeling that they went true.The rapist just want everybody to go true what they had to go true what they had to go true to become that person. If your child got raped what will you do to help them with there problem .The rapist only do what they do cause they have not gotten help for it in a facility or in the doctors for their problem