Why Do Police Brutality

Words: 1015
Pages: 5


Police brutality has been going on for some time now and it seems people have had enough of it. Footage on cell phone cameras and other recording devices have shown police beating innocent people. To stop these awful crimes people have suggested that we should have body cameras put on all police officers but if police are already doing these crimes when people are recording with their cameras then how would adding one more stop anything? Not only will police brutality still happen causing brutal death but the happiness and privacy of both cops and citizens are violated. Having a camera on the police all day will reveal private conversations between the cops and citizens that shouldn’t be recorded.
My first main point is that these cameras can be useless technology. The cameras are easily blocked during physical confrontation that leaves them waste of time. Another thing is that these cameras can
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On the 25th of this January Will Erstad wrote an article about the body cams and an interviewed Bobby Kipper, former police officer and founder of the National Center for the Prevention of Community Violence and kipper said this ““If you’ve been doing your job one way for 10, 15 even 20 years and now someone tells you to do it differently—it’s uncomfortable,” “Whether you’re a pro or a novice, change is always going to present a challenge.” The change in how police officers operate will likely provide some initial friction; a problem which Kipper says could be magnified if departments rush in too quickly in the face of public pressure. Policies need to be developed, training needs to take place and funding needs to be secured. “It’s a big process that doesn’t just happen overnight,” Kipper says.” This article shows how such a big change will take so much time to do So I ask you, is it worth it? Will it stop anything? Is putting all of our faith into a small camera a good