Why Does Calpurnia Stay In To Kill A Mockingbird

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What Happens in Maycomb Stays in Maycomb
The influential novel To Kill a Mockingbird represents the prejudice and racism and how absentminded people were about their surroundings. To Kill a Mockingbird is an insightful novel based in the 1930’s during the Great Depression, the main characters are; Scout, her brother Jem, and Father Atticus there are also many other important characters. This story revolves around Atticus defending an African American man who has been accused of committing a crime; he ends being killed even though he was innocent. Prejudice, gender stereotyping, racism, and mainly the theme that it is a sin to kill a mockingbird or an innocent person are represented throughout the story. The novel To Kill a Mockingbird is written by Harper Lee and Robert Mulligan later
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“That Calpurnia led a modest double life never dawned me”(Lee 167). Calpurnia was known at home as polite and had good grammar. After she took Jem and Scout to visit her church they realize something important. They learned that Calpurnia does talk and act as her fellow people there. At home Calpurnia is polite and asks like a white person because that is the environment she is in. They understand that Calpurnia talks slang in church because that’s what everyone does in her community. If she used proper grammar like she does at work she would be compared to a fish out of water. Calpurnia acted differently than the kids were used to because she was in environment of own the kids did not expect that because at home extremely different. Although, in the movie Calpurnia still important but not as significant because we do not get a closer look at her outside of work life. Since they do not get to have this experience they never learn her true identity. This is an example of how some characters are not fully