Why I Chose College

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Pages: 4

For many, college is a way to indulge in a life without their parents and to participate in a parent free life by doing things such as partying or rebelling against any morals they use to have. Not that there's anything wrong with that, I'm just kind of the boring type. By obtaining a college education, it allows me to become a endocrinologist. Someone that could help people deal with the same things I have. My motivation to go to college is pretty simple, it is myself, from every hunger, bully and medical problems I had, only made me stronger and gave me an urgency to chase after my dreams.
Throughout the less than ¼ of my life, it's been kinda hard. Despite growing up in a neighborhood with a bar down the corner and seeing a lot of not-so-sober
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Those next few years were the most eye opening and scariest thing I have ever gone through. It beated death taking away what my father would have been to me, every hunger I felt waiting for my next meal, or every punch or insult people said to me in Aronimink. I thought I was going to die. Things with my family members and I were pretty rough, they didn’t like me and I didn’t like them. The cancer only drew them away further including my mother. It was the first time in my life I had truly felt alone. I would lay in my bed all day without sleeping, eating while I was balding, losing teeth, barely ever had any energy to move my body off my bed. School was nonexistent and when I did go, I trailed the hallways like a zombie. I promised myself I would never let myself stoop so low again. To enjoy all the time in my life because you truly never know when you’re gonna die or when your last moments with someone you love will be. Gradually I came out of the depressing spiral I was in, I began going to the library and reading books in my spare time, getting myself out of bed and hanging out with my friends for once. Which brings me to today, I can't say that I’m 100% okay, cause I’m definitely not, far from it actually. All the medication I will always be on, certainly has taken its toll on me, mentally wise. But I have fought so hard for myself, for my future. Every hardship I've been through