Why I Want To Attend College

Words: 470
Pages: 2

Have you ever heard that life is a box full of rocks? Such as the rocks fill the box, decisions, and actions fill your life. First off, you must know what your large stones are; these are the important aspects of your life. They are life's pillars: your family, your friends, your education. Next, come life’s pebbles, commitments, hobbies, walking the dog, calling your mother. Gravel represents the smaller moments in life, moments such as waking up, walking to school, or greeting a friend. Sand fills the box, it represents necessities, the unnoticeable happenings that bring life together: sleeping, breathing, and eating. With life, like this box full of rocks, what you add, its size, and its shape is up to you, only remember, it can’t hold everything. …show more content…
Consequently, I have heard that in order to obtain an acceptable job I need to attend college; that this is the only reasonable option I have. But that doesn’t stop it from being important. Accordingly, one of the best opportunities offered by a college is that for an excellent education. Although some people might not consider it as such, being a student at an institute of higher learning is a privilege, and one not given to too a large amount people in this world. The specialized and advanced classes offered contain a vast depth of knowledge unavailable in a multitude of places. Skills and knowledge I learned here would be invaluable to me and moreover would give me a solid shove towards a career in aviation. It would just a matter of finding the right school and earning my