Why Is A Famous Speech Important In Hamlet

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Pages: 3

In the story of Hamlet, there are 3 speeches that are famous and popular for what is said in them. Everyone knows the “To be, or not to be, that is the question” line in this play. There is so much more to all of these speeches. I am going to go into detail on some messages that are in each of these speeches. The first speech in Hamlet is about how he feels about his Mom. In this speech you can tell that Hamlet is very upset and angry. He starts of saying that he wants to commit suicide. Yet he knows that he can’t because he knows that that is a big no for his religion. He goes on about saying how the world in meaningless and how depressed he is about this. Hamlet goes to the garden theme and mentions how the earth is an “unweeded garden”. Hamlet is just going off about how his Mom moved on too fast after his father’s death and mad about his new dad who is actually his uncle. The second speech in Hamlet is about himself and how he feels about himself. When this speech starts, Hamlet is just bashing on himself over everything. Saying how he had this great idea to act crazy so he could blame his killings on that. Yet he hasn’t done anything but pretend to be crazy. Once he …show more content…
Hamlet start off with the famous, “To be, or not to be, that is the question”. What it means is that there are 2 choices in life. To either self-slaughter, or to deal with it and live on. He has these feelings about the situation with his mother and his stepdad. He goes on saying that death is like sleeping. When you sleep you either have dreams or you have nightmares. Hamlet says that killing yourself turns your sleep into a nightmare. When you die the right way or the way you were supposed to, you get to dream. Which both of those could also mean like heaven or hell. Hamlet explains how people don’t usually kill themselves because we have no idea what’s on the other side. Just that fear of the afterlife is what keeps us