Why Is Ancient Egypt So Important To A Civilization

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Pages: 2

For years before people were even born there were ancient egypt. For years people were hunters and gatherers. For many years deserts were near river valleys which people started to farm. As a result, more food was grown which led to more people. More people meant the seven indicators. Ancient Egypt is a civilization because is has all seven indicators of the civilization. Ancient Egypt jobs were very important to them .There were a lot of jobs and skills in ancient Egypt.In Ancient Egypt woman were singers, dancers, and musicians in the temples. Woman did these kinds of jobs because they were treated fairly. Many Slave were prisoners of the war from the lands that the Egyptians had won for their empire. They were often employed as builders,miners, or household servants. Doctors were important in ancient Egypt because they help other people. In Ancient Egypt Doctors were important because if they got hurt during war they can go to the doctors and be heal. Ancient Egypt had people who build temples and pyramids these were important to them. In Ancient Egypt they would need people who can build temples and pyramids because for them it was important to build temples and other stuff. Ancient Egypt needed temples for their god and goddess. …show more content…
Trading was a big part in Ancient Egypt. In ancient Egypt they would trade with things such as grain,other foodstuffs,copper,malachite,gemstones,and tron. Ancient Egypt nee these things for them so they can eat and build. They would need this because these were important to them for survival. In return people would gave them timber,iron,silver,tin,and lead long,straight timbers came from Byblos in Phoenicia for building houses, shops, temples, and palaces. Once the Ancient Egypt traded with other countries they would give them something to them in return. When they trade they would ask for something they really needed. travel was often by foot or camel caravans over desert