Why Is Animal Testing Unnecessary

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Pages: 3

Each year, millions of animals endure unnecessary and painful tests. Animals in labs around the world suffer through pain, torture, isolation, and deprivation. Although ample studies of animal experimentation are often invalid, we still continue to use this form of experimentation. These methods of animal experimentation are also prohibiting medical advances from devoloping. Although the use of animals in laboratories is thought to take a vital role in the welfare and health of humans, people mistakenly believe that this form of experimentation is essential in curing human illness. Many other less-expensive and more beneficial alternatives exist. According to Humane Society International, animals used for experimentation are commonly subjected to forced inhalation, extended periods of physical restraint, food and water deprivation, force-feeding, and the infliction of pain to study what effects it has on the animals. In addition, they are subjected to neck breaking, decapitation, asphyxiation, and other means. The Draize eye test is used evaluate irritation by products such as makeup or shampoo. It involves rabbits being held in cages with their eyelids held open by clips, sometimes for multiple days, so they cannot blink away the product being tested. According to Peta.org, “ A survey of 4,451 experimental cancer drugs developed …show more content…
Artificial human skin can be grown in test tubes and deliver more accurate results than testing chemicals on animal skin. Microdosing is the distribution of doses of substances just high enough to study the cellular response. Reactions can then be seen in human volunteers when their blood is analyzed. Computer models can predict the toxicity of substances without invasive experiments on animals. Microfluidic chips are lined with human cells, and replicate the way human organs function. They are in advanced stages of