Why Is Cleopatra Powerful

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Pages: 3

"She captivated the two greatest Romans of her day, and because of the third she destroyed herself" (Dio,n.d.). Cleopatra is one of the most well-know rulers, this might be because she had won over two great romans, or because she raised Egypt to a greater level of power. At a young age she was noticed for her brilliance, which had made her a famous ruler. Despite the fact that Cleopatra’s father was unpopular, as he was using much of their wealth to bribe roman senators, Cleopatra was adored amongst the Egyptians, Cleopatra never seemed to back down as she strived for power and completion. Cleopatra VII helped Egypt become more powerful by using her political aptitude and wits to raise Egypt to a climax of power where Rome and Egypt were virtually balanced.
Cleopatra improved Egypt immensely, as she was a bright young girl, (being bilingual) and charmed both Julius Caesar, and Mark Antony. Before Cleopatra ruled, her father and sister controlled Egypt. Her father, Ptolemy XII was disliked because he had used much of Egypt's wealth in bribing roman senates to keep Egypt safe and free. Cleopatra's family came from a Greek bloodline called the ptolemies. (research in context n.d) After Ptolemy XII, Cleopatra’s sister, Berenice became ruler. Ptolemy saw her as a threat, so he
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As Egypt grew, Rome saw Egypt as a larger threat. If Cleopatra didn’t influence Julius Caesar and Mark Antony, Egypt would still be under the huge threat of Rome taking away their freedom. As mentioned before, Cleopatra spoke many languages impacting other empires and her own. This was important because her father (former ruler) did not speak Egyptian resulting in the Egyptians thinking that he was robbing them (biography in context n.d). Lastly, at first Egypt could not oppose the roman military. This was why Ptolemy XII sacrificed much of their wealth (biography in context