Why Is Flappers Important In The 1920s

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Pages: 3

Do you ever wonder what it would be like to be a woman in the 1920s? Women in the 1920s were very conservative they mostly wore long dresses, had long hair, and wore no make up. These ladies hardly ever even showed their ankles. One day all of that changed when flappers came along. Flappers were the most prominent name of women in the 1920’s. Historians believed this to be the biggest generation gap due to their beliefs and behavior. Flappers are fashionable young woman who are set on being pleased with themselves and disregard conventional standards of behavior. They rebelled against their parents, drinking and smoking in speakeasies, and wearing plenty of make up. The life of a flapper during the 1920’s was fascinating, because they were one of the most familiar symbols of the 1920’s, their fashion was quite fearless, and how they behaved was most of the time termed as unlady like. …show more content…
“The most familiar symbol of the “Roaring Twenties” is probably the flapper…¨(The roaring 1). Flappers resemble the Jazz age in which they spent most of their time in speakeasies drinking and smoking. They are remembered for how they dressed and the behavioral traits they conducted. flappers had fashion that caught the eye more than the average woman. Flappers rebelled against their beliefs, they also lived for the night life as some would call it. They loved going out at night, in fact Speakeasies were a desired destination for most. “ Speakeasies were a common destination, as the new woman of the twenties adopted the same carefree attitude…¨(Flappers