Why Is Fracking Necessary

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Pages: 3

Is That Fracking Necessary?
“Fracking kills, and it doesn’t just kill us. It kills the land, nature, and eventually the whole world.”
-Yoko Ono
Fracking is defined as the process of injecting liquid at high pressure into subterranean rocks, boreholes, and so on, in order to force open existing cracks and extract oil or gas. The fracking process is used in places where fossil fuels are believed to be buried. Many useful resources can come from the process of fracking, however there are also hundreds of consequences. Every vital part of your body can be damaged by the fracking process and land can be completely demolished. Along with all those valuable fossil fuels comes arsenic, radium, and benzene which are some of the most toxic gases on earth. Fracking has a limited amount of benefits compared to hundreds of negative influences.
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If the process is not carried out correctly, water tables may become contaminated with harmful wastes. Water tables are not the only part of nature that becomes destroyed by fracking. The pipe that has been put into the ground to collect natural gas causes an excessive amount of pressure which leads the surrounding rock to crack. This cracked rock can travel to the earth’s surface which leads to sinkholes. Sinkholes can be highly dangerous, and some can even lead to death. Water is a precious resource, as many people around the world do not have access to any. This obviously does not cross the mind of pro-frackers because the amount of water used in this process is equal to the annual consumption of sixty cities with populations of about 50,000. Think of how many people die every minute of dehydration. Now think of the statistic I have just presented you with. It is very apparent that this water could be put to other uses as opposed to harvesting the natural gas