Why Is Happiness Important In The Great Gatsby

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Pages: 7

The Great Gatsby Money can buy big houses and fancy cars, but it can’t buy happiness to a relationship. The majority of characters in the book live a pretty wealthy life with plenty of material possessions they need but still aren’t happy people. In The Great Gatsby one theme that plays a major role throughout the book would be the social classes and where their characters stand within the social ladders. Happiness is the goal that can never be achieved because the encounter with wealth and social status. In The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald, many of the characters lives revolve around money, but in the end money could never buy happiness. What is success to you and what could you do to be successful in your life? Most people think that success comes from being wealthy, but some wealthy people are known to live unhappy lives. Many people think to be successful means to attain your goals, few would succeed in these goals, but many are bound to make them unhappy. Happiness is the key to successful lives. Your primary motivation to be successful should not be to obtain wealth, power or fame. People who truly seek those …show more content…
The Great Gatsby is a great novel displaying the American Dream. The book gives an opportunity for individuals to achieve economic independence and be more successful in the areas of their lives that are most important to them. This book is very big on possibilities and opportunities. Gatsby longs for materials of comfort that every human desire to have. He has a variety of different jobs to get his money flow up. Some of these jobs are questionable for how much money he got in return for doing the jobs. He is high strung in believing that money is a necessity to attract the objects he desires most which would be Daisy Buchanan. (Verderame, par. 1). His American Dream is to have an abundance of money to impress the love his life, Daisy and win her back from