Why Is Honesty Important In The Kite Runner

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Pages: 3

Imagine suffering for long periods of time due to someone else not telling the truth. This was the case in several occasions between an afghan family. Baba was always a very respected character and his son Amir jan always looked forward for his father's approval of an excellent son. In Khaled Hosseini’s novel, The Kite Runner, teaches the reader to choose wisely before making any decisions because it can determine the life of those you love through Baba damaging the lives of his two sons and Amir purposely setting up his brother for disappointment. Sometimes the perfect gentleman has a few dark secrets lurking in their past. Amir jan finds out an awful truth that his father has been hiding for many years. “‘You bastards,’ I muttered. stood up. ‘you goddamn bastards!’ I screamed. ‘All of you, you bunch of lying goddamn bastards!”(Hosseini 222). Khaled Hosseini demonstrates how hardly beat amir was when he found of that Baba wasn't that perfect gentleman that everyone thought he was, and that he has been keeping such an important secret from him and Hassan. Baba hurt his family with just one lie, things would have been a lot more different if Baba told the truth, maybe hassan wouldn't have suffered so much throughout his life span. Admittedly, Lying is a really bad habit although it may …show more content…
Your decisions can determine the lifestyle of the people you care for and love. Baba being a perfect gentleman that always played by the rules and was respected by everyone, turned out to be hypocrite, Babas decision strongly impacted Amir's lifestyle. Although Amir was not like his father they did have something in common, and that was harming the life of those they cared for. Amir making an uncaring decision was the cause of Ali and Hassan living an even more difficult life. When in the decision making process, always think of your friends and family and make sure your decision will impact them