Why Is Leon Trotsky The True Revolutionary

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Pages: 3

Trotsky is the True Revolutionary! He is the True Revolutionary because it was he that started the revolution. He united the people. He fought not only with anger and weapons, but with the heart of the revolution for the peoples. He was the one to have Lenin join him. He fought with the mindset of an intellectual of being an author. Leon Trotsky is the True Revolutionary for Russia!
Trotsky organized the October Revolution and became leader of it. He was leader of the red guards. He organized and implemented many acts of the revolution. Lenin used Trotsky as an organizer. As organizer he united the group under one cause and with a leadership of one goal- revolution! He was the one who ran the Red Army. That is one reason he is a True Revolutionary.
Trotsky was a westerner in ideals which was an ideal of the revolution. He dressed the part of the revolutionary by wearing leather, a sign of western idea and sign of power. Western ideals were a part of the revolution because they represented a powerful working class who had rights within the government. Thus another characteristic that supports him as the True Revolutionary.
He not only searches for knowledge he uses his own knowledge to inspire people. He writes books and become a famous world known author. He uses the power of writing to expand the revolution. He hits the revolution
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The workers love him because he is the leader hearing and putting into action their beliefs on their freedom. He used their psychological mindset to enforce his leadership within the ideals of a revolution. Not only is he hearing the people, using the psychological mindset, and implementing action, he too came from a poor family of Jewish farmers. His commonality with being a worker and rising above that status he IS the people! He is the heart and soul of the people. He being poor and rising into a position of a leader is how he carries the true goal of the