Why Is Math 1 Important

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Pages: 2

First off, congratulations on making it into Math 1! You’ve worked hard and got yourself into a class that you will be really grateful you took later down the road. Now as you probably already figured, you know Math 1 isn’t going to be a breeze, after all it is a high school class that you’re taking in eighth grade. However, confidence on what you’re going into is very important and something I lacked going into Math 1 which I had to learn later on. Many overlook confidence being important as other things when taking a class or honestly doing just about anything. For me, being confident is just telling myself things like: “I’ve got this.” and “I can do it.” and putting in a hard effort into your work for me helped it along. It really does make a difference how you perform in the classroom more than you might think. Don’t forget confidence doesn’t just instantly happen, it might take some time in the classroom to feel things out to truly grasp the feeling itself. Once you’ve gotten past any nerves you may have had things go a lot better. …show more content…
Another thing that I struggled with later down the road is asking questions. Questions in Math 1 have an incredible value to them that can sometimes be the difference between acing a test and failing. Even small questions that don’t carry as much value are most definitely still worth asking because they may help you figure out something larger than that question alone. Your friends in Math 1 can help you and are resources to use, you’re all going through the same thing so in my opinion best to talk about if you need help or if someone needs help that you give it to them. So that being said, if there’s any doubt in your mind you have about something, just ask a question to either a friend or Ms. Cox and you’ll figure out what you need to