Why Is Robert Latimer Murder

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Robert Latimer a farmer of Saskatchewan, Canada was charged with first-degree murder of his twelve-year-old Tetraplegia daughter Tracy Latimer by way of poisoning her with Carbon Monoxide by placing her in the trunk of his car and running a hose from the exhaust to the cab of the vehicle and starting it. After the death of his daughter, Robert Latimer had said she died in her sleep until the police showed him the autopsy showing high levels of Carbon Monoxide in her system. After this Robert Latimer would admit to the mercy killing of his daughter. For his murdering of twelve year old Tracy Latimer Mr. Latimer was charged with murder of the first degree and sentenced to ten years for the crime, much to the dismay to the population of Canada of which seventy-three percent believed that Robert Latimer should have received a lighter sentence for the perceived mercy killing of his daughter, and with forty-one percent of Canadians believing that mercy killing should be illegal in Canada to be done to those who are suffering like that Tracy Latimer and others. In 1997 it was found out that while the jury was