Why Is Stanley Unlucky?

Words: 457
Pages: 2

Stanley Yelnats had been born unlucky, and he could not do anything about it. His no good-dirty-rotten-pig-stealing-great-great-grandfather had been unlucky, and he had passed down the curse to all the men in the family. As if to prove that Stanley is sent to Camp Green Lake for a crime he didn’t even commit. He was blamed for stealing Clyde “Sweet Feet” Livingston’s shoes, and given a choice of either going to prison or Camp Green Lake. Stanley chooses Camp Green Lake.

A surprise to Stanley! Instead of being a fun kids camp, Camp Green Lake turns out to be worse than prison. There is no lake at the Camp, it is just hot and dusty, with rattlesnakes and yellow-spotted lizards crawling around. As if this was not bad enough, all campers had