Why Peanut Butter Should Be Banned From Schools

Words: 431
Pages: 2

Some students have very severe peanut butter allergies, and some people are even allergic to peanut oil. For some their reaction can be as little as just a couple of sneezes, for others it can be worse like difficult breathing or having to go to the hospital. For these reasons peanut butter should be banned from schools. To begin with, banning peanut butter from schools can prevent children from having an allergic reaction and or having to go to the hospital. In the TIME magazine of 2009 by Tiffany Sharples it states “Of the roughly 3.3 million Americans who nut allergies, about 150 die from allergy related =causes each year, notes Christakis. Compare those figures with the 100 people who are killed yearly by lightning or the 45,000 people who died in car crashes”. Also, parents of children who have nut allergies are always worried about their children going to school, because they are not there to protect them from eating anything that can contain nuts and not all schools have EpiPen in the nurse’s office. …show more content…
While the children of the parents are at school the parents might not be able to focus on their job or whatever task they are doing because they are stressed that their child might be careless and accidentally eat food that includes peanut butter. A bunch of people you remove peanut butter kids won’t get the nutrients that they need, but that’s not true. You can replace peanut butter with Sun-Butter. Parents who support the idea of a peanut free school say that their children have the right to attend a school without the fear of having a life-threatening allergy