Why Professional Athletes Get Paid

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Pages: 2

Tom Brady’s annual earnings is 36 million, not even the president of the United States is paid that much! Even though I love watching sports, I think other jobs deserve their pay, the many people who work hard and get work done. Many professional athletes get paid millions of dollars.
Some people think that these athletic men and women are dispel their money on to watch a game.They don’t spend their money wisely, and attract horrible ways to get themselves noticed. Don’t get me wrong these amazing athletes are fun to watch.They put in lots of hours of training; however, there are a lot of other jobs who deserve their pay. Like first responders use their protract they are firefighters,cops, doctors, and nurses risk their lives everyday to help people in need. They make a difference in our everyday life.
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When you go to a game, a professional basketball game, all you do is eat and daunt on what you eat. Your health isn’t going anywhere, and you're certainly not doing anything to help your health.Secondly, athletes are making money off of us. Desperate like we are, a lot of people buy professional gear. Not knowing that what we buy goes to these selfish athletes.They are negligible what they do as long as they make money. Lastly, professional athletes risk a lot for that amount of money. They want to grab our attention with their wonderful talent. I feel that athletes don’t need as much pay. Athletes just want you to come back and watch them over and over, so athletes can have your money.
Some people think that athletes should get paid more money,but they don’t save our lives.Their lives probably revolve around sports.
The next time you go to a basketball game, just remind yourself athletes should not be overpaid. These special athletes take our money and are not that important to