Why Rainsford Is Going To Hunt Backward

Words: 284
Pages: 2

Another reason that Rainsford is going to hunt again is that he has great hunting skills. Rainsford demonstrates that he has a lot of experience in hunting when he got off the path that he had been “following into the trackless wilderness” so that Zaroff could follow a fake path and lose his trace (Connell 32). During the game between Rainsford and Zaroff, Rainsford uses a false path so that he could puzzle Zaroff in order to lose track of him. An additional reason is that Rainsford used one of the traps that he learned in France, he dug a pit and “from hard saplings cut stakes and sharpened them to a fine point” and stuck them to the bottom of the pit then he covered it with a “carpet of weeds and branches” (Connell 34). Rainsford knew that