Why Respect Is Important To Me

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Pages: 3

Being in the Army for sixteen years now, I have been a part of some great leaders and some in my opinion not so great. As I have grown in my military career, I have taken the things I admired most about a leader and tried to incorporate it into my leadership style. I have also taken the styles that I disliked and have done my best not to become those types of leaders or follow their style of leadership. As I have gained experience in my career and in my personal life, some of my values have changed. Respect for others is my number one value. You can use this value in all aspects of life. In my personal life respecting others, the way you would like to receive respect is important. Most of us have heard the expression “respect others.” If you did not learn it as a child, you will definitely learn it in your military career. Respect is just as important in the work environment. Showing respect for leaders, peers and subordinates is not just an Army value. It makes the team/section function properly and makes it that much easier to accomplish tasks and mission in the working environment. …show more content…
In the work environment, I understand certain tasks are mine; no one else should have to accomplish them. If I am out, I will ensure proper steps are in place to set up others for success in maintaining my responsibilities The priorities I have are to my chain of command and to my Soldiers. I must ensure my leaders are briefed the proper administrative guidance to make sound decisions on the S1 side of the house. My second priority is to my Soldiers. Proper training and staying engaged in the mission are my focuses when it comes to