Why Should Soda Machines Be Banned In Schools

Words: 971
Pages: 4

Tyler McKibbin
Mrs. Bauch
18 May 2016

Have any of you ever wondered why soda machines have been banned from schools? Schools have banned soda machines due to the fact that soda can cause child obesity, which is true, but under certain regulations and rules, schools could try to limit the amount of consumption every school week instead of banning the machines for good. We should care about this topic because a lot of you like to drink soda, and you should have the right to decide whether or not you would like to purchase soda at school. My purpose today is to try to persuade you to argue for the right of soda machines in schools. There are several different reasons why schools should bring back soda machines. The first reason is because
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We all know soda does in fact contain quite a bit of sugar, but when schools ban soda machines they automatically think that they got rid of all the sugary drinks, or that the students will eat and drink healthier. In reality, students are drinking sports drinks and other similar beverages that can contain just as much sugar as soda does. Around half of the states have banned soda from schools, but sports drinks are still available for consumption. A survey was taken about what students drink other than soda, and over 80% of those students claimed that they drank other sugary drinks other than soda. These facts have led me to believe that soda isn?t necessarily the real problem. (Park) There are a lot of downfalls when it comes to banning soda from schools. Schools and soda companies can lose profit, students will still consume a high sugar rate even if they don?t drink soda, and removing soda machines actually increases soda consumption, which leads to the third reason why schools should bring back soda. When soda machines have been banned, people are more likely to east fast food, and consume more soda even before the machines were banned. ?Trying to get rid of soda machines in schools is having little effect on overall consumption.? …show more content…
I gave specific examples such as it can help upset stomachs and indigestion by consuming safe amounts of soda. By drinking large amounts on a daily basis, he would be right. He thinks that soda machines shouldn?t be allowed in schools, but there?s so many positives from allowing soda machines in schools. The profit would benefit the school program, statistically speaking, students wouldn?t consume as much soda if the machines were allowed back in school, and there?s a chance the students would feel more energized with a limited amount of caffeine during school