Why Students Should Start Later In High School

Words: 618
Pages: 3

Broken Arrow has a starting time of 7:45 on a regular class days but on Wednesday is it starts at 8:15. Students in my classes are either asleep or trying to stay awake. This challenges teachers to be creative when teaching teams at BAHS aren't getting enough sleep. Sleep is needed to be able to work and function normally. Not enough sleep can cause several health issues. High school students are not getting enough sleep meaning; high schools should start later in the day.
Therefore, team's inability to get out of bed is not a matter of attitude it's actually human biology. Teens are prone to go to bed late and wake up later in the day. That's making harder to get up to go to school and focus. Quotation marks a growing body of research over the past two decades has shown scientists the amount of sleep you get parentheses just like what you eat and how much your exercise parentheses can have a profound effect on your or overall health physical health”(bianche 1). Not enough sleep can lower your mood and make you have higher risk of anxiety. It also can make you cranky. Which can sometimes teens be prone to snapping at thier parents or friends. This all is a bad situation to be in causing more and more stress. Teens need more sleep, and they need it now.
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Sleep helps people stay alert and pay attention better. students will actually listen to their teacher and remember the information they were given. Sleep help students control their temper thus creating a less violent School environment. There's still another side to this argument, many believe students just need to get used to early start times. But the fact is, its not teens being lazy, it is human biology. Either Evolution needs to kick in and rewire human brains to wake up at 5 a.m. everyday or school start times can be changed. If not, students will continue to be zombies walking up and down halls in the morning