Why The Aztecs: Should Historians Emphasize Agriculture?

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Pages: 4

The Aztecs: Historians should emphasize Agriculture. The Aztec history was one of the most intricate and yet disturbing to the Americans eyes. The culture was created in the 1400’s and ended in the 1500s because of the Spanish conquistadors. It held around 10,000 in modern day Mexico City. It's important to understand what historians should emphasize in their work when studying the Aztec because it can cause us to have a better understanding of what's important. Human sacrifice and agriculture are two important parts of the Aztec life, but the real part of the aztec society-that should be focused on it agriculture. Although human sacrifice has a lot of interesting facts, and it focuses on religion, agriculture held the whole society together. Through agriculture it supplies them with everyday basic needs of life, an intricate agriculture system is being used in their agricultural community, everyone has something to do though agriculture, and they all have a part in it. The Aztec society was quite interesting and full of world-class. Hernan Cortes and 500 Spanish conquistadors came in and invaded the Aztec capital, and that's where we …show more content…
Diego Rivera drew a really interesting picture that show men and women doing their job in agriculture. In the system of farming, everybody has something to do. Men, harvest the crops and work all day in the fields taking care of all of the crop and making sure that everything is healthy. The women on the other hand, start making dinner with the crops that they have harvested. They roll, beat and grind the crops-such as maize (corn) into tortillas so that they can make delicious dishes. The reason why this is important for historians to emphasize is because this is how the society worked and understanding the way a culture worked makes you have a better understanding for conflicts they had, wars they fought, and things they did that helped their