Why The CIA Failed To Stop It

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Pages: 6

Failed To Stop It
In the novel The Cell: Inside The 9/11 Plot, And Why The FBI And The CIA Failed To Stop It, published by Hyperion in New York in 2002, authors John Miller, Michael Stone, and Chris Mitchell attempt to uncover the truth behind the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center and the faults and loose ties between the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Central Intelligence Agency. John Miller is currently the Deputy Commissioner of Intelligence and Counter-terrorism of the New York Police Department, but it most well-known for his May 1998 interview with Osama bin Laden in Afghanistan as an ABC news reporter and anchorman. Miller has written several books, his most recent ones being Inside Islam: The
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From the moment the Twin Towers collapsed “in a cloud of metal and dust and humanity”, Miller knew it was a work of bin Laden (Miller, 2002, p. 13¬). Miller and some of the other members of an "alarmists" club saw this event coming towards the United States’ soil since just before the millennium. However, none of them ever thought that the coming attack would be as bad as it actually was. Throughout the rest of the novel, Miller shows valid points that bin Laden and his colleagues had everything to do with the 9/11 attacks. Bin Laden and his co-workers took baby steps years in advance to work up to their goal of attacking the World Trade Center in 2001. Their first baby step was setting a bomb in a rental van that was parked against a concrete wall in the B-2 level of the World Trade Center. At exactly 12:17P.M. on February 26, 1993, a forceful explosion occurred and the fire scorched everything in its path. In not even one minute, the blast created a huge crater on what was once the B-2 level garage of the World Trade Center and captured six lives. Whether the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Central Intelligence Agency knew it or not, the Twin Towers were supposed to fall that February day. Investigations to find out whose plan this was were conducted but were tough to figure out without damaging the original evidence. Investigators within the New York Police Department Bomb Squad swabbed the post-blast scene for residue and secretly took the bumper from the explosive van even though they were advised not to. Detective Don Sadowy knew a thing or two about cars since he attended the Automotive High School in Brooklyn. Detective Sadowy knew that there were hidden Vehicle Identification Numbers on the frames of some cars, raised in a Braille like way. The only faults in this post-blast investigation were that there were "too many